Private Voice Lessons

using Julia Gregory’s Singing Technique

At the Julia Gregory Vocal Studio, Ms. Gregory teaches a derivative of the Garcia-Marchessi method emphasizing ‘one voice.’ Her students learn to sing with the ’same voice’ all the way through their range. Many professional singers in Opera, Musical Theater, and Pop are trained in the Garcia-Marchessi method. Julia’s students use a combination of standard Garcia-Marchessi exercises as well as exercises created by Julia to develop their voice.

Unique to Julia’s teaching is the emphasis on the ‘science’ of the voice. She is adept at explaining the physiological principles of the vocal chords in such a way that is accessible to each student. Her constant personal study on the scientific developments of the voice and the principles of resonance, sound, and pitch enable her to provide exercises that allow the student to become more consistent in their singing.

[Current rate for a new student is $160/hr.]
